Learn Ahrefs API:
A beginner course

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SEO Training

Für wen ist dieser Kurs?

  • Anybody curious about how Ahrefs API works

  • Beginners who want to learn to use Ahrefs API

  • Ahrefs API users who want to optimize usage

It doesn't matter if you know nothing about APIs – this free training course was designed for people with zero technical background. By the end of seven short videos, you’ll be able to confidently run requests and unlock the full potential of Ahrefs data with our API.

7 Lektionen



Keine Anmeldung nötig und komplett kostenlos

Was du lernen wirst

  • What you can do with Ahrefs API.

  • How to make basic requests.

  • How to modify your requests with parameters.

  • How to run your requests in our free testing environment and optimize them.

  • How to calculate and control API unit costs.

Kurs von

Rebekah Bek

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Rebekah Bek is a product marketer at Ahrefs. She enjoys breaking down complicated concepts and helping people feel good about learning.

Foto von Rebekah Bek
Greg arbeitet am Laptop.

Bist du bereit?

Keine Anmeldung nötig und komplett kostenlos

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