
JustGiving: Fundraising & Crowdfunding Online for Charity

JustGiving is a leading online platform that enables individuals and organizations to raise funds for various charitable causes. With a user-friendly interface, users can easily create personalized fundraising pages, share their stories, and collect donations from friends, family, and supporters. Whether it's for a marathon, a birthday, or a disaster relief effort, JustGiving provides a convenient and secure way to make a positive impact in the world. Join millions of people who have already used JustGiving to support their favorite charities and make a difference in the lives of others.

JustGiving is a global crowdfunding platform that empowers individuals and nonprofits to raise funds for a wide range of causes. From medical expenses and education initiatives to environmental projects and community development, JustGiving provides a platform for people to rally support and make a meaningful impact. With easy-to-use tools and a trusted payment system, fundraisers can create compelling campaigns, share their stories, and engage with donors. Whether you're looking to support a cause or start your own fundraising journey, JustGiving offers a supportive and inclusive community dedicated to making a difference.

JustGiving is a revolutionary online platform that has transformed the way people give and support charitable causes. With a mission to connect individuals, charities, and businesses, JustGiving provides a seamless and secure platform for fundraising and donations. Whether you're a passionate individual looking to make a difference or a nonprofit organization seeking to expand your reach, JustGiving offers a range of innovative features and tools to help you achieve your goals. From social sharing and event management to personalized fundraising pages and donor analytics, JustGiving empowers users to maximize their impact and create positive change in the world.

JustGiving is a trusted and reliable online platform that has revolutionized the world of charitable giving. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, JustGiving makes it easy for individuals and organizations to raise funds for causes they care about. Whether you're supporting a local charity, a global humanitarian effort, or a personal fundraising campaign, JustGiving provides a secure and efficient way to collect donations and make a difference. Join the millions of people who have already used JustGiving to support their favorite causes and contribute to positive change in society.

Search Traffic for justgiving.com

October 2024

In October 2024, justgiving.com saw an increase in search traffic, reaching 5.3M visits, which is an increase of 1.7M visits compared to the previous month. The traffic value increased to 665K, a growth of 285K.

Traffic value

Traffic by location for justgiving.com

For justgiving.com, United States dominates traffic with 1.2M visits, an increase of 349K from the previous month, making up 22.3% of the total traffic.




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Top keywords for justgiving.com

United Kingdom

justgiving.com ranks #1 for "just giving" in United Kingdom and receives 48K monthly visits from this keyword alone, a decrease of 37K from the previous month.





just giving80K12K48K37K




just giving login6.8K1.0K7.5K1.1K


gift aid8.6K4005.8K336


just giving page5.9K5.2K11


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Backlink Profile of justgiving.com

October 2024

As of October 2024, justgiving.com's Domain Rating is 91. justgiving.com is linked by 125K websites, indicating an increase of 1.8K referring sites from the previous month.

Domain Rating
Linking websites

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